Sunday, August 21, 2005


It was a heck of a week. Not sure if I'm ready for the next, but here it comes anyway.

First things first. Once again I have been given the all-clear. There is NO cancer! The shadow was just tissue on top of tissue that created the illusion of a mass. And although the fibroid has grown, at the moment it's still benign. I'm thrilled to tears, but I'm getting mighty tired of these scares! Have an appointment with my regular doctor this Thursday and am going to be firm about having the fibroid removed. The doctor who read all my prints on Thursday said she felt I was too young to have the fibroid removed because it's going to leave a scar.


A scar! Boy, oh boy, whatever shall I do? Behind Curtain A there's living with (another) scar which only myself and The Man will see. Behind Curtain B there's living with a little time bomb ticking away inside my boob.

I'd like what's behind Curtain A, Bob!

On Friday I emailed The Man and said with the good outcome I had on Thursday and the fact that summer is winding down pretty quickly, hows about we get out and about this weekend? He wrote back saying he'd been thinking the same thing, so we decided on the Museum of Science. There's a new baby monkey there. Here's a picture of Mama monkey with the baby on her back. So cute!

This is Papa Monkey. Every time The Man was trying to take his picture he kept giving him this look like, "Dude!"

Silly, silly monkeys.

We had a great day yesterday. Spent a majority of the day at the museum and took the time to check out a lot of exhibits that we've only skimmed over before, like the dinosaur exhibit.

The Man made that his desktop picture when we got home. Looks very cool.

When we left the museum we considered going to Houston's for dinner, which is right next to Faneuil Hall, but the tourist to native ratio was grossly out of proportion, so we skipped it (for now), came home and ordered delivery from our favorite Chinese restaurant. And had a drink. Mmm... White Russian.

I made a Diaryland entry last weekend about my cancer scare. Only one person out of the few people who read me there had the decency to leave a note (Fred-X please don't think any of my wrath towards my D'land readers includes you!). So, spiteful bitch that I am, I'm not posting my results there. I'm emailing that one person to let her know my good outcome, because she truly cares and wants to know how I'm doing. The rest of them can ROT!


Speaking of Fred-X, I want to share a more recent, and accurate, picture of my fridge.

This evening we're having leftover pasta and sauce with garlic bread and various sliced veggies. The sauce has been made more palatable with the additions of ground beef and my very own secret hobo spices. Supper's at 6!

1 comment:

tj said...

First, I'm so happy for you that every thing's clear. :)
Second, those monkeys are really cute and funny.
Third, Screw diaryland and all them bitches.
Fourth, I hope you make a lot of food when I come. I may look thin but I can pack away a ton of food, especially if it's deliciously home cooked by you.