Friday, July 06, 2007

How embarassing

Many apologies for the radio silence. Not only has work been so out straight and stressful that I've been nothing but a vapid, drooling blob once I get home from work, but I also forgot my password. How embarrassing. The password situation was, I know, easily correctable, but in my recent state of mind, not so much.

So here I am, 8 days away from my 2 week pass out of hell. Away from the stress. Away from "The Hound". The Hound is my "manager". I use the word "manager" loosely because her management and organizational skills closely resemble those of Colombe (you know, from the Next Food Network Star). Yeah, they're not so good. I interviewed for the management position when it opened. I have management experience from previous positions. Apparently they preferred someone much younger than myself, with no management experience, and who thinks that "management" means she's a glorified baby sitter.

I can't freakin' stand her. There's no way in the world she doesn't know this, no matter how hard I try to be, at the very least, civil to her.

I've already snapped at her several times, and each time I have, she's shut right up. She hounds (hence her nickname), has no back bone, eavesdrops, I could go on and on. It's been a long time since I've had that knot in my stomach every morning because I don't want to go to work. Since she was hired, it's there every morning. I'm really starting to hate my job because of her.

But enough of the bitch fest. Need to go get ready for work.