Thursday, June 07, 2007

My ass is twitching

"My ass is twitching. You people make my ass twitch."

A ginger molasses (ahem) cookie to anyone who can tell me where that quote comes from. And Zee already knows the answer, but she's getting a cookie anyway. Possibly two. Why? Because she's Zee and I love her! And it's almost her birthday.

And yes, my ass really is twitching.

Went to see a massage therapist after work yesterday. Holy crap. She even went easy on me because I haven't had a massage in a long time. Dad works on my neck and back when I visit, but I haven't seen him since Christmas. I'm crunching and cracking a lot this morning, and am still feeling a bit nauseous. But I feel... better. Not jump up and do the Lindy Hop better, but better. The woman who did my massage last night commented many times on how tight my muscles were. That could've been my cue to air my grievances about work, but I refrained. And after about 5 minutes on the table, I was starting to feel a bit Zen anyway so thought, meh, I can vent about work any old time. And I do. Oh so very much.

No time to vent about it this morning though, and I'm still feeling a bit Zen anyway. Hope that feeling will last the rest of this week!

More later, gotta go. Have a loverly day!


Anonymous said...

Wow. I had no idea about S-I-L... I'm happy to be indignant on your behalf. }:-/
Oh, and thanks for using this blog again... I can comment here without joining.


Valerie said...

mamma likes her some ginger molassas cookies.

it's from French Kiss, btw.