Friday, May 19, 2006

A Friday morning quickie

Shouldn't we all be so lucky...


The past several weeks in a nutshell - I hope to elaborate more soon.

The Man had surgery on his left eye - he's having contact lenses surgically implanted. It's cool seeing him without glasses. :-) The right eye is being done next month.

I'm finally sleeping through the night with the CPAP machine. It's been about 2 weeks now. Noticing small differences and it's all good. Will definitely discuss this more later.

My nephew J was run over by a garbage truck at work and we're all thanking God he's still alive. He's in tremendous pain though, and has been pretty down the past few days. Wish we could get out there to see him. When the accident happened I was ready to drop everything and head out, but everyone said to stay put. So, planned to head out over the weekend and my father said, "To do what? Stand around in the hospital the whole time? Stay home." So we figured we'd head out this weekend or next, only we found out that our LOSER NEIGHBORS got served a 30-day eviction notice on Saturday (WOO-FREAKIN'-HOO!!!!!!!!!), so aren't inclined to go away overnight until they're gone.

One of my parents cats, Zachariah, has been pretty sick with a tumor. Vets think it's cancerous. Hit me hard because Zack was my baby when I still lived at home. Early last week the vet gave him days. Mom started putting Holy Water in his food. As of this morning, he's been eating, has gained a little weight back, and this morning he caught a mouse! Our prayers have been either he go quickly and painlessly or is cured altogether. Either way, right now he's comfortable and happy, and that's what matters.

Have also become completely enamored with this man over the past couple of months:

He's Christopher Eccleston. I'm now working on a collection of his works. He's currently on Sci-Fi Friday nights at 9 as Doctor Who. And what a fine Doctor he is.

Okay, gotta go run through the raindrops and get my butt to work.

Have a good one!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

dang - you've had some fun! how's Miss Babs doing?