Monday, December 12, 2005

Winter sucks

This is what much of the Northeast looked like on Friday. The drive home from work was brutal! Coming home from work, my usual 3.5 mile, 8 minute commute took a freakin' HOUR! Becky was not happy! The snow was beautiful, though.

Miss Babs was tuckered out from a long day of watching the snow fall.

We were going to get a Christmas tree over the weekend but never did. We're both taking this Friday off from work so plan to get it then. Saturday was spent trying to get Red Sox tickets. What a joke that was. Took over 6 hours to get through and the best seats we could get were out in right field. We'll be staring at Trot Nixon all night. Joy. }:-{ Oh well, at least we got tickets, right? Yesterday we did a little Christmas shopping and some belated birthday shopping for me. Got a new cell phone. Now I'm just waiting for everything to finish switching over so I can actually use it. We've had Verizon for years but since The Man has Nextel through work I went with Sprint. And Sprint's taking their sweet ass time moving everything over. I want to download ringtones! NOW!

1 comment:

Doug Bagley said...

Brrrr, that snow picture makes me shiver just looking at it.